Our inner woman and man. How they look like?



House of Tantra · 23 October 2018



View of tantra or tao describes the world through the polarities of masculine and feminine aspects. Female  – male, yang – ying, two poles that create our universe, through mutual attraction and striving toward union. Everything that exists, every atom, is made up of these two elements. One can not exist without the other.
We developed our individuality by having having male and female bodies in the past lifes.
As a result, we all have within us feminine energy structures and parts of us that identify with what we understand as masculine.
Those parts of us that identify with femininity, are grouped on the left side of our body. We can call them Anima or Inner Woman. Those parts of us that identify with masculinity are grouped in the right side of our body. We call them the Animus or the Inner Man.
In a simple and fun way, we can see how our inner couple look like.


1. Photograph your face, taking care of the evenly distributed light.


2. Make a second copy of the image by inverting it horizontally, resulting in a mirror image


3. Print both portraits in color, in good resolution in A4-A5 format on photo paper.


4. Divide the face into two symmetrical parts, defining a vertical line going through the center from the top of the head to the chin.
Do the same on the second copy.


5. Cut the two portraits along the line.


6. Combine the right half of the first portrait with the left half of the mirror image.


7. We get the first portrait representing the inner woman.


8. Combine the left half of the first portrait with the right half of the mirror image.


9. We get a second portrait representing an inner man


10. Compare both portraits: The portrait on the left is the image of an inner woman.
The portrait on the right, formed from the combination of the male half-faces, is the image of the inner man.