Path of Mystical Sexuality


House of Tantra · 22 January 2023



”We are living in deep dillusion about nature of so called sexual energy…
Sexuality is a sacred energy of the universe, the Source of all phenomena and forms. As universal life force it is greatest fountain of individual empowerment. It give us direct connection with absolute. When it is truly awaken, we are free, independent and conscious…”


From the eastern perspective, we are still immersed in the density of the dark, degenerate Kali-yuga era. The time of collective trance, deformation and suppression of everything that is natural and pure. The measure of collective darkness is the degree of suppression and degradation of our individual life force, the sexuality. More this force is suppressed by the mind, in more degenerated  way it is expressed on the unconscious level.
Presented by the priestly elites as sin and taboo long time ago, it was marked as something wrong and shameful. Spirituality was separated from matter and sexuality was separated from love. In this way gradually entire societies have been cut off from vital force, personal power, becoming predictable and vulnerable to manipulation


Suppression is the main method for maintaining collective consciousness in the dark.

Through thousands of years of suppressing the natural needs of the body, heart and instincts, humanity has created a civilization of legally sanctioned violence. In the era of rapid acceleration in the development of technology, this violence is expressed as the progressive degradation of the environment and alienation from nature, through genetic and technological manipulation. The society that we co-create is still based on primitive property relations, implemented by official or hidden power solutions. The patriarchal social structure has always been characterized by creating divisions, creating conflicts and wars. What was and is aimed at intimidating the society into agreeing to the development of tighter control mechanisms. This system supports the unconscious parts within us operating in the shadows that represent the immature characteristics of humanity. It can be said that everything that we do not accept in ourselves and try not to show to others, expressed, for example, by suppressed anger or desire, is the result of the deformation of this system on us. A deformation consisting in not allowing the voice of what is natural and authentic.

People with a suppressed vital force do not have access to inner energy, their personal power. You can control them more easily, they are more susceptible to any kind of manipulation. Thats why we have so many laws, prohibitions, ideologies and religious systems that restrict us. 

Not coincidentally, thanks to these prohibitions and restrictions, there is a huge, dark underground supporting and serving the deformed, hungry parts of our collective unconsciousness. Culture, which suppresses natural needs and instincts in the light of the day, transforms into a culture of rape in the dark of night.



For many years, western countries have developed a deep spirituality inspired by Eastern mystical traditions. An alternative part of society renews its connections with the earth, nature, natural strength hidden in our bodies. Long-forgotten pagan and shamanic rituals and traditions return, celebrating body and spirit connection in a unique expression and richness of experiences.

With this flow also comes an acknowledgment of the true nature of sexual energy as pure life force. Understanding that our sexuality is not only an primal instinct, but a universal source and cause of the existence of the entire universe.

From this perspective, sexual energy is seen as the source of life, born in the unfathomable space – from the merge of attracting opposites. Light and dark, chaos and harmony, fire and water, feminine and masculine. The universe is a constant dance of polarities striving for union. The macrocosm and the microcosm interpenetrate. The law of attraction and union also applies to the atoms of the body and personality structures.

Sexuality in this deep sense is a life force that activates our inner fire and sense of bliss. It is an evolutionary force, which in the East was called Kundalini. Kundalini energy appears in us when strong biological instincts connect with the dimension of the heart and spirit. This force gradually fills and purifies our bodies, opening up new dimensions of feeling and perception.

Thanks to its activation, we have the ability to heal, create and manifest reality, move in time and space. A deep sexual polarity provides the energy needed to achieve higher consciousness. It is the key to our multidimensional development, discovering and manifesting our power, purpose, bliss and freedom.

When we manage to activate the primordial layers of our libido, we ignite a sacred fire within ourselves, raising the frequency of vibrations throughout the body. By raising power to higher energy centers, we make our bodies light, we begin to function on high vibrations. Our body is transforming. It becomes more flexible, hot and at the same time luminous.



From the perspective of the mystical teachings of the East, we are not only pure consciousness, but also the space. A space understood as a living matrix from which all life is born, constituting the primal feminine aspect.

Light – consciousness, as the primal masculine aspect, penetrates the space, fertilizing the cosmic void. Through the polarity and union of luminosity and emptiness, the universe is born. This is accompanied by an inner movement of consciousness, an activity resulting from the need to know yourself. Need to find an identity, awakening to self-awareness.

The manifestation of primordial consciousness is expressed in the twelve dimensions of time and space. In each of these dimensions and density of existence, different laws of physics and biology apply, and time also flows differently. From the most dense, low-vibrating spaces, minerals, plants and animals, through the development of individuality in positively and negatively polarized worlds, to group soul complex, and not physical manifestations of collective consciousness.

The essence of cosmic evolution is the division into smaller and smaller parts to create an unlimited spectrum of opposites and extremes. The greater the polarization of opposites, the greater the energy that can be created as a result of their interaction. Thanks to this, new forms of existence with complementary qualities can arise. The various, specialized gender forms are developing by interacting with their counterpart.

Evolution – the spirit ascension awakens the energy of the lower dimension, raising its frequency to higher realms. The stage of ascension is characterized by a deep sexual polarity, when everything that has been divided is merging back together. The whole process is based on the attraction and meeting of polarized aspects that experience illumination as a result of that fusion.

Many beings in their individual development are at this stage.



We are witnessing the restoration of feminine power. The energy of the Goddess is gradually returning to Earth. Women take the initiative in all areas of life, giving a new direction to our civilization. Women can better organize themselves and better cooperate together. They represent the majority of participants in personal development workshops. They work with themselves, understanding the need to transform collective and personal shadow.

There is a lot to do on the male side. Immature masculinity maintains the current patriarchal system of values. Immature masculine tries to maintain control and power by dividing, creating conflicts and wars. This control increases with the development of science and new technologies. By exploiting natural resources focused only on profit, our planet nature has been degraded. The old patriarchal system is based on a hidden mechanism of self-destruction. Represented by this part of the collective consciousness which prefers to annihilate everything, rather than change and give up power.

Therefore, it is necessary to work with an immature masculine aspect, which competes, seeking to dominate and exploit the environment. It is necessary to activate healthy, mature masculine aspects, such as a stabile presence, witnessing consciousness. Seeing the world from a broad perspective, compassion, transparency, compatibility of expressed intention with action.

At the metaphysical level, there is a great need to awaken the spiritual masculine aspect on this planet. The need to invoke the enlightened power that will initiate the change and fertilize the earth with a new vision. Power manifesting itself through divine thunder force.

Force penetrating from above, establishing a sacred and safe space for incoming changes. Restoring a love connection between heaven and earth. Illuminating, showing the way. This force brings the spirit back to the body. Bringing consciousness to the densest, hidden levels of existence.



Sexual energy is the cause of our conception and appearance in the physical body. Through the union of the masculine and feminine aspects, life is created. Sexuality also plays a major role in the process of dying and the separation of the soul from the physical body.

One of the fundamental fears of the ego is the fear of disappearing, dissolving. Witnessing our own passing, we can open ourselves more to letting go of what needs to die in us. During meditation practice, we can gradually accustom our body to the fact that the dissolution of the ego, the disappearance of identification, does not involve physical annihilation. Inhale – rebirth – exhale – death. In this way, here and now, we can transcend the conditioning of death. For most, we associate death with the inevitable end, with the pain of leaving those we love. It is associated with dark and cold emptiness and disease. Feelings at the time of death, however, may be different.

As we approach the end of our lives, after taking our last breath, the red essence from the mother, located at the level of the sacral chakra, begins to move towards the heart chakra. At the same time, the white essence, coming from the father, slowly descends from the area of the pineal gland. At some point, the two essences merge together at the center of the heart chakra. We are going through a kind of internal implosion, merging with the absolute dimension of existence. The union of our feminine and masculine essences triggers an ecstasy of cosmic scale.


Our death is nothing but the most powerful orgasm in life.


Tantric yogis spend their lives preparing for this very moment. To fully open at the moment of death to the infinite bliss of the union of female and male essences in the heart. Experience illumination and spiritual self-realization.

Unprepared, we are unable to withstand such a dose of bliss and we lose consciousness at the beginning of the process. Just like with premature ejaculation, before we start, we’re done. When we finally regain consciousness, we’ve been dead for a few days and only later do we realize we’ve left the body.

For adepts of mystical sexuality, each sensation can be recognized as the sacred union of the feminine and masculine. Any movement of energy can become a spark of orgasmic bliss that fills the entire body.

Our old identities and blocking beliefs stand in the way of experiencing sacred sexuality.  Everything that causes attachment to difficult experiences from the past, how we perceive ourselves and our sexuality. But everything will change if we can let them go.



Most of us think that we have a good contact with our sexual sphere. What we don’t realize, however, is that by being separated from love and spirituality, by poisoning the human body with the memories of wars and abuses, sexuality can be experienced in very limited way. We usually do not realize what potential we carry within us. And how little it takes to wake it up.

By seeing sexuality as a sacred power within us, independent of external circumstances, we can free ourselves from the unconscious conditions, encoded in our bodies by generations. We can free ourselves from feelings of shame, guilt, self-deprecation, and dependence on the opinions of others. Release blockages and hurts accumulated during an era of wars, abuses and traumas.

Thanks to work with the body and sexual energy, it is possible to completely heal and transform the suffering stored in our DNA. We can step out of the victim role and take full responsibility for our lives and sexuality. As a result, be able to enter into a profound relationship with another person, opening a completely new dimension of high-vibrational physical love combined with a deep inner freedom.

The House of Tantra has been creating a space for deep meetings between femininity and masculinity, mutual recognition, connection and exploration of the multidimensional energy spectrum for a long time. In this space, our intentions and visions of the world in which we would like to live are materializing. A world of freedom and tolerance, a living in accordance with cosmic laws.

Mystical sexuality give us the tools to heal each other. Based on seven years of experience, we have developed a sacred sexuality development program. Week-long retreat of awakening and healing sexuality “Phoenix Mysterium” is first part of this journey. Its specificity is the temple approach to bodywork sesshions, and the intensity that enables a life changing experience.

We invite all tantricas to join the next edition in APRIL 2023.