~ Womb Journey ~ 3-days Online course ~

15 – 17 November 2024

Facilitator: Arya Tārā

The Great Womb, which is the whole of all existence, from which everything is born and to which everything returns. It is the Great Void, which is fertile, because it is from it that everything begins.
It is the Primal Darkness, which will connect us with the ESSENCE OF FEMININITY

♦️You will receive timeless wisdom practices from Tantra, temple se☆uality and other traditions to grow from within in self-love and self-worth.
♦️You will learn to listen to the wisdom of your body, honor the wisdom, desires and intelligence of your Womb, celebrate who you were and who you are becoming as a woman and sensual being.
♦️We will use different practices and rituals to awaken, listen, heal, see, feel and deeply honor our Womb and Yoni and the female body.

What can MYSTIC CAVE practically bring you:
🔸️passion and passion for life
🔸️juiciness and fulfillment
🔸️lots of vigor and vitality
🔸️access to the source of infinite energy
🔸️peace and courage thanks to being here and now
🔸️enjoying what is
🔸️sense of freedom
🔸️immersion in the HEART space inside us
🔸️connection with the elements
🔸️connection with the cycles of life
🔸️ability to effectively create reality
🔸️inner peace resulting from letting go of attachments and fear
🔸️you will recognize and begin healing negative beliefs about your body that limit our ability to open up to intimacy
🔸️connect with your inner source of joy and ecstasy
🔸️discover and learn to celebrate your sacred sexual power
🔸️experience the nourishing feeling of an open heart in a sisterhood
🔸️realize your orgasmic power
🔸️connect spirituality with sexuality

1. FRIDAY 15.11
Start 19:00 – 21:00
🩸Opening of Womb Temple (creating Womb Altar)
🩸Short sharing circle
🩸Womb meditation in darkness (blindfolds are necessary)
🩸Sensual Dance

2. SATURDAY 16.11
Start 18:00 – 20:00
🩸Heart/Breast massage
🩸Orgasmic Breathing Practice
🩸Voicing to open throat chakra

3. SUNDAY 17.11
Start 18:00 – 20:00/20:30
🩸Yoni gazing practice (small mirror necessary)
🩸Pelvic floor muscle practice
🩸Guided Womb massage
🩸Ecstatic dance and joyful celebration
🩸Sharing ending circle

⚜️The gates of the temple will be closed after 15 min we start our session, to keep safe and caring space
⚜️After this course you will receive all the materials to practice and support for our circle on telegram

🔻Aware that NOW is the time to say YES to embodying your femininity and experiencing self-love, vitality and empowerment from within
🔻You feel a strong longing to deeply connect with your WOMB and the sensual essence of your Yoni
🔻You feel disconnected from your body, bored or sexually blocked
🔻You feel overwhelmed and dominated by the urge to act and find it hard to find time for your feminine practice
🔻You want to heal sexual wounds and reduce shame and guilt
🔻You want to give yourself the healing power of being in a temple of sisters and women for 4 days so that you can squeeze the juicy juices of your essence
🔻You are curious about receiving practices that awaken your passion for life
🔻Ready to abundantly nourish your feminine soul

Our time together will be set in a safe and sacred space where you can deeply connect with the temple of your body. You will be guided to hear the voices from deep within, unraveling the conditioning that blocks your sensuality and prevents you from growing and reaching your highest level of sensuality, love, relationship and life.

Dakini of modern times, restoring ancient wisdom from traditional tantra teachings, sacred sexuality and temple rituals of matriarchal times.
In this life she prepares women to regain power and sovereignty. Helps awaken their memories from multidimensional spaces, but also how to integrate with their human bodies. How to fully connect with your sexual potential through embodied practices and tantras.
She stands firmly on the ground and at the same time uses the qualities flowing from high vibrations in this dimension, in this density.

Her professional background is physiotherapy, therapeutic massage, temple Lomi Lomi Nui massage, Pilates and Yoga trainer, many years of internship at House of Tantra, dearmouring course in Gaia Method, week-long and several-month individual tantric-meditation retreats.
She trained in Poland and abroad.
Thanks to the awakening of power, she manifests what she desires. Opens a spiritual space that activates the cellular memory of multidimensional incarnations.
Combines various spiritual practices: temple sexuality, tantra yoga, Tibetan Buddhist tantra, shamanism, tantric shadow transformation, western neo-tantra with western therapeutic methods. She treats sexual energy as a path to liberation from conditioning and a path of ecstasy.
Conducts individual sexual healing sessions connecting with the qualities from matriarchal temples that allow for healing on a deeper level, ancestral and incarnational. Supports women to enter their sexual power, their potential for creation and manifestation of reality.
Conducts workshops related to multidimensional se☆suality, through touch, voice, music and introducing the body to higher vibrations.
Through a personal awakening, she created the Lemurian Temple Massage project, activating in others the memory of Lemuria (the ancient civilization that was the most advanced here on Earth) and the vibrations that come from there. She has experience in leading advanced tantric retreats with both women and mixed groups. Her vision is to create a Water Temple, combining multidimensional aspects of femininity in both female and male bodies, which will combine tantric practices in which sexual energy will be understood as sacred, the body will be experienced as a temple and which will support the rebirth of the New Earth.

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● account provided in the email after registration
● CONTACT [email protected]

I am waiting for you sisters ♡