Great Mother Temple Healing Arts



I module 20-27 October, 2025, Exloërveen, Nederlands

II module 5-12 June, 2026, Luttelgeest, Nederlands

Facilitators: Dechen Dorje & Team


”The cosmos is healed through what has been most deeply wounded, human sexuality”


In the sacred sexuality tradition, sexual energy is recognized as an absolute energy that expresses itself through our individual existence. Its manifestation is the mystical fire of the universe, the cosmic force of creation that creates stars and galaxies. The fire that gives life, the fire that awakens our consciousness, which burns and cleanses everything that is old and fossilized. This fiery power brings passion, joy and abundance to our lives. Once activated and awakened in our body, it becomes the universal fuel of our personal development, expansion and self-realization.
Since ancient times, sexual energy has been activated to materialize individual and collective vision and to cleanse, heal and transform. Thousands of years of cultural and religious conditioning have left this power deeply suppressed. During the patriarchal era, religious systems created a deep division between the spiritual and the corporeal, giving negative meaning to the body and sexuality.
Millions of experiences of war and abuse have caused our life force to be suppressed and degenerated. Stigmatizing the sphere of the body and pleasure, generating the idea of sin, guilt and shame, separated the human community from their potential for creation and connection with the source.

Memory accumulated in a dreaming body

Most of human civilization is suspended in some kind of dormancy. The dream state emanates primarily from the density of our physical body. Sensory sensations and secretions of the endocrine glands activate a special type of trance. The collective energy field generated around the Earth creates a kind of “veil” hibernating our consciousness. As a result, from the time of birth we live in a state of permanent amnesia, deprived of memory of who we really are, and where we come from. At the same time, our lives are so short that before we even realize the situation, we have to leave our physical body again.
The physical and subtle human body is a manifestation of individual consciousness and a record of its unique experiences. It contains not only our personal experience, but also the entire collective memory of existence. Our body is the materialization of individual and collective memory, thoughts and feelings. The content of our consciousness is continuously copied into the body’s DNA structure. At the same time, the level of vibration of consciousness and the field of intention directly shapes our surroundings.
Because all our individual and collective experiences are recorded in our body as if on a hard drive, and all life experiences are transmitted in DNA, subsequent generations inherit them from their ancestors. This information, embedded in the body in layers, accumulates to form our individual structure, from dense, lower states of existence, to the high-vibration memory of subtle dimensions.
The functioning of our body and brain is essentially automatic, complex processes that are not subject to will control, such as digestion, heartbeat or breathing. Therefore, our previously recorded memory involuntarily replays itself automatically through the activation of the emotional body. Which feels like reliving the same story over and over again.


Over thousands of years of difficult experiences of suffering, the earthly space of the visible and invisible dimensions has been filled with broken, separated parts of individual souls, unconsciously reproducing their experiences, recorded on the interface of physical and subtle bodies. The memory of trauma is recreated in subsequent incarnations, in various possible versions, until it is completely released and healed.
The unique methods of the sacred sexuality tradition, focused on working with the spiritual, energetic and physical body, enable the process of activating dormant memory and its gradual release.

Awakening the inner energy and temple healing arts

Mystical – Sacred sexuality is a path of development that comes from the times of ancient matriarchal civilizations. During the period of previous civilizations usually referred to as the golden age of humanity, the use of the mutual polarization of the female and male aspects was the foundation of spiritual and social life.
Activation of sexual energy made it possible to supply energy deficiencies and regulate the elements within the body. Healing methods were developed based on the interaction of complementary aspects, based on knowledge of sacred geometry and the multidimensional, fractal structure of the cosmic tree of life. These methods determined the optimal connection of the soul, physical and subtle bodies. A high level of consciousness allowed constant access to different levels of density and dimensions of existence.
The alchemy of polarizing energies allowed for a change in density and vibration frequency and free expansion to higher and lower dimensions. Through connection with the ethereal level of reality and its creative design, material structures with a higher vibrational density were shaped. By using this knowledge, the human community created an organic mandala balancing individual and collective development.
The temples of that time were not yet objects of the cult of local demiurges. Built according to the principles of cosmic geometry, they contained all dimensions of reality, creating a sacred space in their center – the deepest dimension of existence.
A dimension of existence seen as a primordial void, later worshiped by many cultures – the archetype of the Great Goddess.
Through rituals performed in this space, priestesses could channel the aether energy originating in the highest dimension, transforming it for the purpose of healing or manifesting visions.
For this reason, the methods from those times were called temple healing art. Ancient traditions of tantra, Taoism and sexual shamanism originate from this period.

The Life Energy

Temple work with the physical and energetic body is directly related to the activation of the inner fiery force, called Kundalini in the East. The power of Kundalini appears in us when strong biological instincts connect with the dimensions of the heart and spirit. This force gradually fills and purifies our bodies, opening new dimensions of feeling and perception. Thanks to its activation, the deep memory of our DNA is awakened. This is accompanied by a process of personal and spiritual expansion. Functions related to the higher chakras are gradually activated and we discover our new talents and individual superpowers.
Kundalini activation is a key evolutionary threshold that determines whether we, as an individual being, are ready to awaken from our sleeping state and direct towards liberation and healing. When this force awakened, it raises the vibration of the atoms of our body, activating and warming up the layers of memory accumulated in it. In this way, during a temple healing session, the layers of trauma memory in our body are heated and activated, so that they can be released and transformed by pressing specific areas of the body. The memory of accumulated suffering can be released and expressed through movement, breath and voice.

The Great Mother Temple Healing Arts

In today’s world, there is a great need to cleanse blocked and poisoned energy in the body. The memory of abuse and trauma carried down through generations prevents women and men from entering into harmonious relationships. 
The memory of collective accumulations awaits healing. Interest in this way of working and greater openness to the spiritual side of sexuality opens up the possibility of healing an entire generation. Based on the Mystic School program, we have created a special training in the temple healing art for adepts who choose this path as a path of spiritual and professional development. The two-part course includes a detailed study of knowledge about healing and temple bodywork, as well as practice sessions in pairs and groups of three.
The methods draw on both the traditions of temple art, shamanic knowledge and contemporary therapeutic work. 
They include yogic and tantric knowledge and practices as important part of the healing process. They contain traditional tantra methods, crucial in activating the life force and protection of the space.

For whom? Important!

• For people who have previous experience with bodywork, tantra and sacred sexuality.
• For adepts of the tantric path and people who want to develop professionally in the area of temple arts.
• For people who would like to effectively and safely help others in the process of healing and awakening.
Participants of “Phoenix Mysterium” are admitted first.


Module I. Foundation of temple body work. Knowledge and practice.
Healing ancestral and personal history. Continuation of the Phoenix Mysterium.
Outer and inner level
1. Creating a sacred and safe space and preparation for the receiving person
2. Preparation the body and spirit for the healing process
3. Purification of the physical and subtle body
4. Balancing the elements and energy in the body
5. Maps of the human body. Energy points and channels
6. Purification and release of ancestral history
7. Purification and release of individual history
8. Process integration


Module II. The mystical space of temple body work. Integration with consciousness.
Deep activation of personal life force and cultivation of sacred energy. The use of shamanic and tantric methods in healing sessions. A multidimensional spectrum of temple arts.
Secret level
1. Protection of space practices and the art of eliminating connections. Clearing borders and dissolving contracts.
2. Practices of connection with Ether and its redirection to lower densities.
3. Opening the Mandala of the Great Mother
4. Working with voice, vibration and mantra
4. Art of activation of high frequency orgasmic bliss in the body
5. Activation of body memory and integration of splitted parts
6. Effective use of Diamond Consciousness
7. A combination of shamanic and tantric approaches in work with the ancestral lineages
8. Methodology of holistic development and daily cultivation
9. The path of Temple Arts as an individual evolution

Organizational information:

* Dates: 

I module: 20-27 October, 2025

II module: 5-12 June, 2026, 2026

* Location:I module – Exloërveen, Nederlands. II module – Luttelgeest, Nederlands.
* Investment: 2600 eu for the whole training.
* Deposit: 600 eu (non-refundable) paid within three weeks after registration. 
The rest is payable on the start of training.
Possibility of split payment for each module.
* Registration: >>>HERE <<<
* After accepting your registration, we will invite you to a short online conversation with facilitator.
* Contact: 
[email protected], [email protected]