Cauldron of Souls on Gaia

Freedom from Identity as evolution

Part II. Matrix – The Holographic System of Life


House of Tantra • 23 October 2022


The etheric organism of Absolute

Existence in its original essence is Aether. Pure being, beyond time, beyond thinking. It is a state of dazzling clarity and blissful bliss that gives a sense of perfect wholeness and truth. Even a brief experience of this state makes all our previous experiences, attachments and identifications irrelevant. It is a peculiarity. One of a kind, because nothing exists apart from it. 

This primal, ethereal “body” has an internal magnetism that manifests itself as the force of creation.
This is because it is composed of two distinct aspects, described in the Eastern tradition as Yin – Yang, Yum – Yab, or in the context of human beings – as feminine and masculine. In the Tibetan tantric tradition, Yab – Yum means Father – Mother.

The feminine aspect represents space and the masculine aspect luminous presence, consciousness. The feminine principle is associated with the movement of emotions connected with the four elements. The masculine aspect generates a movement of thoughts – awareness that observes and recognizes everything that is happening. The polarization between these two aspects and their relation generate a state of constant passion, bliss and a sense of wholeness.


Primary matrix as an evolutionary process

Due to the polarization of the feminine aspect of the dark space and the masculine aspect of the luminous Consciousness, through their union, the universe is born.
It is accompanied by an internal movement of the Consciousness resulting from the need to know itself. The need to reveal an inner identity, awakening to self-awareness. Hence the process of creating ego – separate consciousness – flows directly from the masculine aspect of existence.

The expansion of the spirit and manifestation of the universe is expressed in the process of Descendence – the division into an unlimited number of separated beings in space. The first distinguished identities arise, experiencing themselves in many dimensions. These separated structures of consciousness gradually break down into smaller ones. Emanations create new ones and the creation process expands. From gigantic beings encircling galaxies, to the spirits of individual stars and planets. 

The process of creating life deepens as smaller and varied structures appear on the planets. Local ecosystems are formed. Gradually, an enormous richness of new beings emerges, a whole unlimited spectrum of life, from the highly vibrational – etheric dimensions of existence to the dense, heavy matter in which life goes on in slow sleep. 

This thickening process produces dark matter, so dense that light cannot penetrate it. Dark matter, which makes up most of the mass in the universe, represents our cosmic collective unconscious. 

True evolution begins precisely in this dense state of sleep. In an unconscious trance, when beings are guided mainly by instincts, fighting for survival. They explore the cosmic matrix and accumulate experiences. 

The core of this stage of cosmic evolution is the division into smaller and smaller parts in order to create an unlimited spectrum of opposites and extremes. The greater the polarization of the opposites, the greater the energy that can arise as a result of their interaction.
New forms of existence arise with qualities that complement each other. A variety of specialized forms of gender emerge, which fulfill and develop through merging with their counterpart.

Deep sexual polarization is the source of the next part of cosmic evolution, which is the time of spiritual Ascension, when everything that has been divided comes back together. The goal of this evolution is to integrate all experiences and return to unity. 

Evolution – The Ascension of Spirit consists in awakening the energy contained in the lowest density and gradually raising it to higher and then to highest dimensions. The whole process is based on the meeting of polarized aspects that experience illumination as a result of fusion. Evolution proceeds due to the profound polarization of the conscious and unconscious aspects. Positive and negative energy charges. Polarization between primordial darkness of the feminine aspect and luminous awareness of masculine.


Countless emanations of the spirit go through cycles of arising, exploring themselves, fulfilling one’s desires and finally transcendent and dissolving into space when these experiences can integrate with the whole.

In the course of the gradual integration of the accumulated impressions, the process of maturation and gaining self-awareness begins.
Gradually, the attention shifts from the “outer reality” to the interior, and as a result, there is a recognition of oneself as primal consciousness. The process of the formation and maturation of the Ego, which usually begins with focusing on itself and serving itself, leads to a feeling of unity with other beings, deep empathy and acting for the good of the whole.

In the course of spiritual ascension, the separated being recognizes the illusory nature of the external Matrix, the world, while realizing that the emotions and feelings that have arisen during this illusion, are real and precious.


Many beings in our world are in the stage of spiritual ascension. The path of mystical sexuality is part of this cycle, enabling the transformation of unconscious parts of us and return to the source. The fundamental aspect of our cosmic body is the heart space in which every experience is recorded.
In this way, all experiences acquired during the simulation of the cosmic hologram return back to their source – to the Aether.


The sacred geometry of the manifestation of the spirit through all dimensions is represented by the tree of life, consisting of an infinite number of flowers of life. Each planet is like the fruit of this tree and the creatures inhabiting the planet are like seeds of the great cosmic tree of life.

We are the seeds of the tree of life which are manifestations of collective consciousness. They sprouting and when they find optimal conditions, they grow and flourish.


Individual Matrix 

The entire cosmic existence is a multidimensional hologram – an organic matrix,

Although each fractal reflects the totality of consciousness, thanks to its separation it accumulates different, unique experiences and projects “its external reality” through the prism of these accumulations. It manifests in space its own local hologram – a personal matrix. We are the source of creation of this virtual local environment.
However, in the low-vibration dimensions of existence, it is not conscious creation, but involuntary recreation of previous experiences, encoded in the body interface. The functioning of the body and brain are automatic, complex processes beyond our control, such as digestion, heartbeat and breathing. Recreation of previous experiences memory is also largely automatic, and is triggered by our emotional body.
Individual matrix manifests itself thus through a kind of subconscious transfer of our internal memory into the ether around us.
The merging of the spirit with the density of the physical body reduces the intensity of our consciousness many times over. Endocrine secretions, hormones, sensations and, above all, emotions activate a special kind of trance. Every day we get intoxicated with our own internal hormones, living in a physiological dependence.

Because at the basis of our being is the desire to identify ourselves – all accumulated experiences that build us, generate strong attachments and identification with them. Our ego automatically realizes and repeats those experiences with which it identifies most, to strengthen its identity. It implements scenarios of personal stories recorded in the multi-dimensional body and soul complex.

However, despite the illusion of separation that our sensory impressions give us, the field of our individual matrix is also a reflection of a complete multidimensional hologram.

The entire cosmic matrix is composed of an infinite number of separate fractals of consciousness that project their experiences in space. These projections overlap as vibration waves, manifesting huge collective cosmos of interdependent interactions. We can compare it to the unlimited number of mirrors reflecting each other, the play of light and shadow created by the combination of the elements.

This universal reflection mechanism causes everything that changes inside one fractal to be reflected throughout the hologram. Each of our internal changes causes the entire hologram to be transformed.


Artificially generated Secondary Matrix

Part of the evolution of the spirit in both the descension and the ascension cycles is the development of inorganic technology.
Most races of intelligent beings in the universe produce many kinds of tools and machines during development of their civilization. Some of this technology is so advanced that not only it can transform matter into energy, but also energy into matter. Beings who have reached this level may exploit their technological advantage against less advanced intelligent races. Technologically oriented civilizations can compete with each other and develop by conquering and appropriating the resources of other – less developed in this area cosmic societies.

The most advanced technologies using artificial intelligence can create a cybernetic copy of organic life, an artificial matrix with local range. Such a matrix can generate a separate, closed force field in which the evolutionary cycle of living beings can be kept under control, without the possibility of immigration beyond its walls. It is the perfect trap and laboratory to explore and experiment on less developed species of beings.
Artificial matrix’s program is generating energy field around a planet or system of planets –  a kind of “veil” that can hibernate and slow down the natural development of consciousness. It can generate waves that extinguish the waves of consciousness created by the beings captured in it.
This artificially generated virtual reality work through programs that limit perception and individual memory of inhabitants. The whole mechanism does not allow the free flow of information and energy and independent natural development (i.e. without outside interference), as it is in the organic cosmic matrix.


Artificial matrix as separation from the natural cycle

As we mentioned, the process of creating ego – separate awareness unit, flows directly from consciousness, the masculine aspect of existence. Because of this, already in the first stage of descension strong attachment to a separate identity can be manifest.

As a result of this, a certain part of the collective consciousness can create a cosmic superego that seeks to change the natural cycle of the spirit.
This cosmic ego contradicts its luminous essence and identifies itself with the darkness. With the time, it becomes strongly attached to power condensed in dark matter. 

It replaces the feminine aspect with an artificially created matrix. For this reason, we refer to him as negative dark masculine.

The archetype of the negative male element represents the figure of a demiurge who aspires to be the source of life. He tries to create a new existence by himself without the participation of the female aspect. It creates a still existence – an artificial intelligence separate from contact with the source. It wants to replace the original source of creation, creating its own evolution, the goal of which is absolute control and power over all manifestations of existence. The awareness of the dark demiurge seeks ways to accumulate as much energy as possible to dominate the space around it.

This dark mansculine operates through secret organizations and secret programs based on hundreds of degrees of initiation, where only a few people know the true purpose of their existence. A hierarchical structure of a social pyramid is created in which knowledge of the nature of the universe is used to maintain the control of a small group of individuals over the rest of the community. As a result, this leads to the appropriation of the life energy and enslavement of other beings through direct and indirect violence and the creation of fear.

Entire planets and star systems with their inhabiting beings can be used to accumulate the power needed for further cosmic expansion.

In rebirth in this planet’s dimensional density, we find ourselves in a state of permanent amnesia, devoid of memory of who we really are and where we come from. At the same time, our life is very short, and before we have time to know the situation, we leave the body to reappear in a new version, recreating individual life lessons.
Besides living in trance of lower density and our individual unconscious, we are additionally impacted by many external influences and mainly – the invisible force field generated by an artificial matrix.

We live in a time known in the East as the Kali Yuga, a period of darkness necessary for consciousness to deeply dive into the dense, low-vibration state of life. The evolutionary process of many beings on Earth can be completed provided that the level of planetary consciousness drops down. At a same time large part of the collective is ready for ascension. There is a clearly visible stratification and a widening gap between these groups.
It is no coincidence that one of the major circumstances of our time is the artificially generated force field around the planet, that controls our collective consciousness.


Much of humanity sees the illusory nature of reality, recognizing it as a projection of cosmic consciousness. However, they are unaware of the complexity of the entire structure of the multidimensional hologram, connected to the artificial terrestrial matrix. How different frequency layers of the original matrix and its local artificial version are overlapping and interacting.