Cauldron of Souls on Gaia

Freedom from Identity as evolution

Part I. Manifestation


House of Tantra • 27 June 2022



In the Buddhist tradition, reality is said to have no substance. Is empty. Everything we feel through our five senses does not exist in itself. It is only a sensory projection of our thoughts and feelings. On the primordial level, reality is the complete, indivisible Unity.

This unity is an undifferentiated, immeasurable space in a state of luminous presence and feeling of bliss. This Space, because it is aware of itself, is called Consciousness. And as one indivisible consciousness, it exists beyond time and dimension, beyond change. The entire universe, everything alive, from the stars and planets to our bodies, is an emanation – a projection of this primal space. 
This emanation is expressed through constant change, through a multidimensional cosmos that unfolds through time.

The existence of the Ego, the sense of individual separateness is created by focusing the attention of the Consciousness space on one point. This projection creates a fractal of existence that gives the illusion of a limited fragment of the absolute, but which still remains everything – the whole.

Simply we can say, that we experience our separate existence thanks to the holographic simulation of separated aspects of our collective consciousness. 
This simulation shifts the attention of whole consciousness to an infinite number of separate beings and phenomena, so that the Consciousness can experience and know itself.

The virtual simulation of existence is so perfect, that the Consciousness becomes denser over time and completely loses contact with its original essence. It begins to manifest the world from the place of a small separated fragments of reality that recreates different versions of themselves in a deep dormant state.

However, although the world itself is an illusion, the experience we have thanks to this illusion, is absolutely Real …

The law of manifestation.

Both Primordial Consciousness and every fractal of consciousness naturally manifest their thoughts and emotions by designing them as a multidimensional hologram. By projecting an infinite number of separate fractals, a polarized perception is created in the hologram, opposition of external and internal reality. The inner level represents the “separated” fractal of consciousness, and what is seen as outer world is the memory of the fractal projected outward, synchronized with whole field of collective manifestation.

It can be compared to a mirror image. Everything that happens inside us will be reflected in the outside world. What happens to us in life, every situation, is a manifestation that comes from within. From our conscious and mostly unconscious parts. According to the law of manifestation (attraction), all inner thoughts and visions are the building material of our local reality, and strong emotions are the energy needed to build it. 
Therefore, the inner worldview, faith, religious views and beliefs, although based on the illusion experienced by the senses, become our reality. 
As a result, on an individual level, we experience the world in which we believe. 
Internal beliefs about reality, how we judge others, conscious and unconscious thought forms, filtered through the emotional body are materializing before our eyes and synchronizing with the energy of the collective.


So if we feel and think about someone negatively, in addition to the energetic content of immature aspects of that person, we additionally create a specific astral manifestation that will appear in our interaction with that person. 
This process is intensified, if we have strong emotions towards someone. As a result of misunderstandings and conflicts, mutual projections are forming special energy structures, called egregors, which after while exist as independent entities, powered by collective beliefs and fears.

 Then, instead of being in a relationship with another person, at some stage we are dealing with an invisible astral entity, built through our thoughts and emotions projected onto each other. When we are not aware of this, we don’t meditate, and we don’t come into contact with our essence, we literally become entangled in these invisible creatures that feed on emotions, fear, and low-vibration energy.


But if we can recognize these mechanisms, we can change our experience with some people. Finding some positive part of that person and see her through that positive filter for a while. Over time, that person’s behavior towards us will change, and so will the relationship between us.

The manifestation of the collective unconscious

If our emotions and thoughts have such a powerful influence on our surroundings, then we can imagine how the shape of the world will be influenced by thousands of people, synchronized with each other with common intention. 
For instance, in the past, there have been many initiatives for simultaneous global meditation. During these events, Shumann’s resonance rose rapidly by many degrees. At the same time, the number of accidents and crime statistics in large cities decreased. 
However, even if we can sometimes synchronize ourselves in global meditation, it is yet not enough to permanently heal the entire planet. According to the law of karma, the sum of our individual and collective manifestations is the cause of the present difficult situation on Earth.


The turbulence we experience in the world today is a direct manifestation of the collective unconsciousness of living beings on our planet. We call this the “Collective Underground”. It represents part of primal consciousness, which chooses and accumulates the experience of suffering over a very long period of time. 
In the process, it gradually separates from connection to the heart and loses contact with Source. 
Our planetary collective consciousness has been going through deeply traumatic experiences in the past. 
It is lot of information about it in ancient texts, such as the hindu Mahabharata, where history of previous civilizations that existed on this planet are described with details. They describe the complicated history of wars, destruction and catastrophes on the cosmic scale.

 As a result, most of us have deeply repressed, separated and traumatized layers of body memory. 
Frozen and condensed imprints of suffering, anger and need for revenge. These separated parts, even though we have no conscious contact with them, manifest our reality. 
Lack of deeper insight into the nature of the world, leads to a strong attachment to one’s experiences and to the identity that has been built by them. 
As a result, some beings generate a deep identification with the harm they have suffered in subsequent incarnations. This generate strong duality polarization and conflict between social groups, between races, and between different mindset. 
In the core of this process is polarity tension between the feminine and masculine aspects of reality. The experience of living in a male and female body can be extremely different, which over time leads to a complete lack of understanding for each other.


The global collective underground is basically represented by immature, dark feminine and masculine beings which manifest their reality in a complementarily opposite way. The regressive masculine aspects build their identity on the basis of a deep sense of guilt, anger and the will to dominate. Therefore, they always strive to self-destruction and destruction of outer world if they cannot control it. 
The feminine dark, immature aspects, on the other hand, identify deeply with their wounds, never forgiving, and follow the path of revenge and manipulation.

Accumulation of never healed, wounded parts and traumas, co-creates the endless cycle of formation and destruction of successive social systems. Bloody wars, conflicts between nations, ideas and mindsets, religions, between women and men, and between generations, are happening without interruption on our planet for the last 8,000 years.

It is only by walking through our own darkness that we can fully experience the light.

Therefore, we are all here to know and embrace our underground, and on a collective level, the dark aspects of humanity. 
The next stage of the evolution of our planet and people is about entering a higher vibrational state of existence.

For this to be possible, the entire process of the dualistic struggle between good and bad, light and dark should be fully experienced, understood and embraced.


The Source of Manifestation in Us

As the cosmic Self, our real existence is the dimension of space and light, which we call dharmakaya in the east and Aether in the west.

All experiences gained during the simulation of the cosmic hologram go back to their source – the Aether. From there, the entire cosmos manifests itself through the vibrational structures, and the symphony of creation. A multidimensional hologram architecture is created from highest vibrations and densities to lowest. Everything that manifests in our dense lower dimension is projected from the higher, subtle levels of existence. 

This projection works on the principle of a response that reflects the content of a single fractal of consciousness.

Consciousness closed in a fractal with low vibration density, sends a set of impulses and intentions to the higher dimensions of its existence and from there it receives an analogous materialization of its “environment”.

So, what we emanate from our inside to the Aether, is simultaneously projected back, as our material surroundings.

In practice, if we can go beyond the hologram, connecting to and projecting from the aether, we can directly materialize in this matrix everything we need, moment after moment.

What does it mean to go beyond the hologram?
This means that the attention of our presence is focused on the whole space, on all perception as a whole. Without following any particular sensual feeling and any thought or emotion. If we compare all phenomenal world to a reflection in a mirror, our attention is focused on the substance of the mirror itself and not on what is reflected in it.

However, for such a deep connection with the Aether to be possible, it is necessary to free ourself from all attachment and identity within this cosmic hologram.


Safety valve

As already mentioned, the process of materialization of thoughts and emotions depends on the density of vibrational field. In a world of lower 3D vibration, it takes much longer to manifest our visions than in a high-vibration 5D world. There is profound justification for this throughout the entire process of the evolution of the spirit. The depth and clarity of consciousness is proportional to the state of the energy-matter density.
Beings that are more dense, and therefore less conscious, live and project their emotions and thoughts at a pace that is suited to their needs. On a longer time scale, so that they can adapt and learn through the simulations they create. The system of a given field of manifestation aims to balance negative experiences of suffering and positive accumulations.
In simple terms, the high-vibration zones of our individual field send out short waves that manifest positive experiences, and at the same time the low-vibration zones create long waves that create difficult or painful situations. Long low waves take a long time to materialize but are more durable. They need a gradual build-up in the body, eventually manifesting themselves in the form of a disease, for example.
The effects of this gradual development are permanent and dense. Short waves manifest reality much faster, but this manifestation is also less permanent, it needs to constantly support its source of energy. Of course, some of the waves extinguish each other. So everything is a result of their interference.
The problem arises when a person consciously develops his manifestation skills and employs ancient development techniques out of self-interest alone. With time, he learns how to accumulate his life energy and emotional power strengthened by negative egregors. Such a person can manifest his reality faster and extend his field of manifestation to the world around him.

According to natural law, the greater the spiritual self-realization of an individual, the organically greater is his ability to materialize his intentions. The less ego, the more energy flows from the source. Spiritual self-realization means, that all parts of the individual have been integrated and the entity has transformed its unconscious parts into pure consciousness and primordial energy.

This is a natural safety valve for ourselves, so that all individual shadow structures, wounded parts, internal saboteurs, do not manifest our world too quickly.
So that we have time to understand them and work through them in an optimal way for us.


Eternal Fire – the fuel needed for creation

Our spiritual individuality is a combination of many energy structures existing simultaneously in many dimensions of space. We are cosmic multidimensional beings who are now experiencing existence in this human body. By existing on higher vibrational levels of existence, we could materialize whatever we needed, everything we wanted to experience.
Here we have come to explore life in a world of much greater density and very reduced ability to manifest our thoughts and intentions. This creation is still possible, but usually takes long time to materialize and differs from the original intention. This is because the layers of genetic accumulations inside our bodies unconsciously manifest a world different from our desires.

The physical body exists as a frequency emitter. In fact, what we feel as flesh and bones is a combination of intelligent electromagnetic signals. Signals emitted through the physical body and interpreted as our real experience. When our intention is firmly connected to our heart and our deep truth, and all our inner parts become integrated with each other, we gradually begin to discover an enormous driving force within ourselves.

In our physical body, at the base of the spine, there is a hidden power, that we call kundalini.
It is a fiery cosmic energy flowing straight from the source – Aether. 

Because it moves in a spiral, it is also called serpent energy. Awakening of this force leads to creation of individual light body. Our electromagnetic potential increases many times over, which helps maintain stability and deepens our connection with Earth and space. Traditionally, kundalini grows and electrifies the physical body at the age of forty. Only then, we become mature enough to contain this kind of power.
Kundalini is a cosmic fire, and manifests in us through intense sexual desire, life-creating energy. For most people, this power is too intense, and instead of cultivate it for spiritual grow, they simply spreading it around and starting to age.
Traditional eastern practices are engaged in raising kundalini through the chakras in order to awake our consciousness. In the course of this process, all immature parts of our personality are gradually purified and transformed into a luminous body.

By activating this dormant primal force within us, our body vibrations begin to increase. It becomes more luminous and no longer resists to the vital energy movement. We become ready to use our skills and power to manifest reality.
Then we can more consciously and effectively create our environment, realizing the vision of the world in which we would like to live.



Essential principles of conscious manifestation – creation.
  1. Connecting with the “source” – the primal consciousness, by transcending the holographic reality.
  2. Deep, clear intention and detailed vision.
  3. The connection of our intent with the deep desire coming from heart, with alignment to Higher Self”.
  4. Alignment of intentions with the general evolution of the spirit and collective good.
  5. Strong one-point focus on vision. Previous meditation training.
  6. Transformation of internal obstacles. Purification and integration of the unconscious. Embrace of the internal saboteur. Healing guilt, remorse, negative self-esteem, regret, resentment towards the world and a desire for revenge. Clearing internal conflicts as well as opposing intentions and emotions that prevent and extinguish the creation process.
  7. Fuel or energy needed to materialize the vision. The energy of emotions and sexuality.
  8. The principle of collective manifestation. The group process multiplies the effect of creation exponentially.
  9. Prepare a sacred and safe space for the ritual of manifestation.
    – Choosing an optimal place and a favorable energy field of the environment. The influence of earth’s power lines.
    – Pacification of external obstacles. Local neutralization of the field of the planetary underground, which prevents manifestation.
    – Evocation of invisible dimensions and supporting aspects.
    – Dedication of our manifestation to the collective good.
  10. Training attitude. Persistence in repeating of whole process.
  11. The execution time depends on the frequency of the energy field of the ritual and its participants.