Introduction into Four Pillars of Tantra

Weekend online course introducing the Four Pillars of Tantra system

8-9 March 2025

Facilitated by Dechen Dorje


In the eastern tantric tradition sexuality is recognized as the energy of the Absolute, manifesting through our individual existence. Its essence is the universal fire, the cosmic force which creates stars and galaxies. The fire that gives life, the fire that awakens our consciousness, that burns and purifies everything that is old and ossified. This fiery power brings passion, joy and abundance into our lives. It gives us the strength to realize our desires, the ability to manifest reality.

The structure of the universe is based on the alchemy of the elements emerging from the space of the Ether. The combination of the basic elements is the building block of the universe sacred geometry, consisting of 12 dimensions – vibratory densities, adequate to the state of concentration of consciousness. From the lowest frequency associated with the life of minerals and rocks, to the highest vibration of pure light of consciousness.

The multidimensional structure of the universe is reflected in the structure of our body. The physical and subtle human body is a manifestation of individual consciousness and a record of its unique experiences. It contains not only our personal experience, but also the entire collective memory of existence.

In the East, the human body is called the wish-fulfilling tree of life because it is the portal through which everything we need manifests. What appears in it, is the source of our local reality. The key to opening this portal is a clear intention. Our body is the materialization of individual and collective memory, thoughts and feelings. The content of our consciousness is copied to the DNA structure of the body on an ongoing basis. The level of vibration of consciousness and the field of intention directly shapes our environment.

Inner union and cosmic sexuality

The entire universe is a dance of masculine and feminine energies that attract each other. From the level of atoms in the human body to the conjunction of stars and planets. Cosmic sex is happening everywhere, every second. We are not aware of it due to focusing our attention outside of ourselves. By consciously feeling the masculine and feminine essence within us, we can awaken our inner union.

We all have a feminine and masculine essence within no matter what our gender or sexual orientation is. Feminine and masculine essence express in an active and passive form. Yin and yang, plus and minus. All our creation, including relationships, is the reflection of this polarity.

That is why our first and basic relationship lies within. It is the relation between our inner feminine and inner masculine.

These inner aspects are usually repressed from childhood and cannot be expressed genuinely. We focus on the external form, losing contact with our pure feminine and masculine essence, which want to manifest themselves in an unforced way. In fact, the way to femininity is through masculinity, and to masculinity is through femininity. In order for a woman to be able to express her sexual and sensual nature, she must first and foremost feel safe. This can only be ensured by the masculine essence in her, i.e. stability, inner support, courage and awareness. And a man cannot express himself fully until he finds a place for feminine – trust, sensitivity and emotionality, until he finds the source of creation within himself. Only then does his masculinity have fuel and a kind of filling.

From such perspective, reality consists of four opposing polarities – universal essences, striving to merge with each other into One Cosmic Union. At the level of the human body, they express themselves through the energy coming from below, the power coming from above, the third aspect is the center, and the fourth holds them all together. Through the practice of activating and connecting these aspects, a strong flow of sexual energy is created, while feeling fulfilled, without the need to discharge it externally. Activating these four essences frees us from conditioning and limitations, bringing us closer to life full of love and abundance.


On this basis, we have developed an innovative method – Alchemy of the Four Pillars of Tantra, practice which gives an immediate, deep experience through the simultaneous connection of the masculine and feminine essence within us and with the external partner. The Four Pillars of Tantra system is based on the understanding and personal experience of traditional Tibetan and Hindu tantra teachings. The means and methods have been properly selected and created to convey the essence of the teachings in the most effective and accessible way, also to people who have no contact with traditional paths.

What can Four Pillars of Tantra practically offer?
Activation of these four essences liberates us from conditioning and limitations as well as takes us closer to fulfilled life, abundant and loving. It creates a strong flow of sexual energy within a flexible and spacious sacred container of our body without need of discharging the energy. Then we are free of compulsory sex and can enter into a dimension where sexual connection opens us to higher levels of consciousness and insights. After such experience of cosmic sex everything changes, the grass even is more green.
  • stability in challenging or euphoric situations
  • accepting and celebrating whatever comes to one’s life
  • feeling safety within
  • clarity of insight and deep understanding of world of phenomenas that also allow to recognize one’s desires and skillful means of their fulfillment
  • clear life direction and purpose
  • one pointed focus on one’s priorities without distraction
  • true freedom, unconditioned
  • inner peace due to letting go of fears, attachments and clinging
  • fiery passion of life and vitality
  • tantric orgasms embracing all dimensions
  • access to endless source of energy
  • ability to effectively manifesting dreams and desires
Organisational information:
  • Date: 8-9 March 2025, Saturday 10-18 o’clock, Sunday, 10-13 o’clock
  • Place: online
  • Investment: 200 eu
  • Registration: << HERE>>
  • Information: [email protected]