Humanity comes from the Goddess

The feminine basis of the human race and the masculine element


House of Tantra · 6 February 2023


The entire universe manifests through the polarization of opposite aspects. Light and dark, positive and negative charges, bliss and suffering, evil and good, masculinity and femininity. In the Taoist tradition, these complementary aspects of the universe are called Yin and Yang, where Yang represents all that is bright, hot, hard, and masculine, and Yin represents what is dark, spacious, cool, and feminine. Thanks to the Eastern mystical tradition, we can understand more deeply the nature and characteristic of what we define as feminine and masculine. This understanding goes far beyond the biological and social conditions that result from the division into two sexes.


Delving into the essence of ourselves and the world during meditation, we recognize that in reality there is only Light and Space.

Light – Luminosity is a state of being that is self-aware. The natural function of this state is the movement of thoughts resulting from the need to experience and know itself. This primordial state generate universal qualities of the masculine aspect.
Needs to recognize one’s identity, stable presence, clarity, focused mindfulness and the ability to transcend the world of phenomena. Others result from them, such as transparency of intentions and actions, the ability to hold space, witnessing without judging, clarity in seeing things as they are, effective action adapted to the circumstances, the ability to use the right methods, consistency in pursuit of the goal, organic joy.

The second principle – Space is a living, sentient matrix from which all life is born. Revered in ancient cultures as the Great Mother Goddess. She represents the primordial essence of femininity that nourishes and embraces all her children without exception.
In Buddhism, it is referred to as śūnyata – unfathomable, dark emptiness. The universal qualities of feminine emerge from this primal space.

Unconditional love, protection of life – deep sensitivity and feeling all forms of life, nourishing and caring for the whole cosmic mandala, inner fire and passion for constant creation, power to manifest the world, cultivation of beauty, spaciousness, non-conceptual wisdom and intuition, feeling the oneness and emptiness of all phenomena, bursting and the dissolution of ossified structures, organic bliss.


Evolution through sexual polarity

Cosmic evolution becomes possible by splitting primordial consciousness into countless separate parts, fractals of consciousness, so that we can experience ourselves in the infinite richness of existence. After the cosmic vessel is filled with experience and wisdom, all that was divided unifies together again.
In such repeated cycles, the life of the cosmic organism proceeds.
At the beginning of this process, huge, androgenic cosmic organisms, separating themselves from the whole, gradually divide into smaller ones, using the sexual polarity within themselves. They break down into smaller and smaller parts to create an endless spectrum of opposites and extremes. The greater the polarization of opposites, the greater the energy that can be created as a result of their interaction. New forms of existence with complementary qualities arise. Various, specialized forms of gender fulfill themselves and grow by merging with their counterpart.
This cosmic evolution is reflected in Plato’s well-known myth of androgynous souls that separate into male and female halves, experiencing each other through incarnation separately. The goal is to be able to grow more and, having accumulated experience and wisdom, to reunite again. ( Twin Souls )
Souls in their essence do not have a specific gender, but through incarnations they gain gender preferences and identifications.
Since we are all part of the cosmic evolutionary cycle, in order to gain the widest spectrum of experience, most people in different incarnations are reborn once as a woman, once as a man. By doing so, we can develop a greater understanding of ourselves and the world.
Therefore, over time, we accumulate energy and personality structures characteristic of both sexes.
Like the angels, on an energetic level, we become largely both-sexed.


At the present time, more and more people are at the stage of awakening their feminine and masculine potential, activating our ”inner couple”.
This means that the masculine and feminine aspects manifest as concrete figures within us.
We call them the inner woman and the inner man. The polarity between them awakens the power of the kundalini, enabling the sacred union within us. At this stage, we are attracted to people who also have an active inner pair. We feel a strong attraction to another person, sometimes going beyond of actual physical gender, if our inner couples are in tune.
As a result, we cease to be, as in Plato’s myth, only a half of the soul looking to be fulfilled by its other half, but we become an independent fullness, a whole.
Then, gradually, we can relate to others from a place of fullness, not deficit. Sharing ourself, but not feeding and depending on each other. By developing the polarization of feminine and masculine energies within ourselves, we begin to attract like-minded partners on the outer level.
Our inner masculine and feminine aspects interact not only with each other, but also with their counterparts in external partners.
At this stage of individual development, we realize that our body contains the entire multidimensional cosmos and inside ourselves we find everything we want. When we realize something within ourselves, it manifests on the outer level like a mirror.


Primordial human blueprint

Human evolution is related to species of mammals in which the process of raising offspring seems to be more complex than other types of animals. Especially in the degree of care for small ones, devoted attention, intimate relationship resulting from the way of feeding.
 A human baby suckling its mother’s breast directly connects to her heart chakra. In this way, thanks to the unconditional love and acceptance flowing from the mother, a deep relationship is created that shapes our human nature. This relationship creates a spiritual connection with the feminine essence, Great Mother Space, giving the human genetic lineage access to the power of creation flowing from the very source.
Therefore, in its pure, primordial genetic form, the human race was more connected to the heart, than to the consciousness. Guided primarily by the power of emotion, and only secondarily by logic. So it can be said that on a deeper level the feminine aspect is much stronger in us than the masculine element. In ancient past, the organic expression of these predispositions was the spread of the matriarchal societies on Earth.
Observing the stages of development of the human body, we must notice that in the first period of fetal formation inside the mother’s belly, until the 6th week, we are all women. After this stage, in future men, the female sex organs, according to the principle of mirror image, transform into male ones, becoming complementary to their original female shapes. After the formation of male organs, the nipples remain, although they are no used to feed offspring, confirming the feminine nature of the human species. Clearly, then, the male body is derived from the original female genetic structure.
It seems that it is the woman, who creates the man as her energetic complement, in order to be able to evolve physically and spiritually as a race.
However, we must emphasize here, that the feminine principle – yin, is not identical with a woman, just like the masculine – yang, with a man. Feminine and masculine energies are the building blocks of reality, forming both female and male bodies.
The masculine gender seems essential in the earlier stages of evolution, in the dense low dimensions of existence, in the formation of physicality and the structure of the ego. Probably, after moving into higher dimensions of existence, the physical separateness of the male sex transforms, returning to the androgenic form again.
There is also some information that in certain circumstances a woman can become pregnant naturally, on her own, without the participation of a man. In this case, only female children are born. Perhaps the ability to partogenesis is a natural expression of our genetic potential and the possibility of an evolutionary line towards a purely female society.


Enlightened masculine aspect

In the process of evolution, the role of the masculine element is crucial. It is responsible for extracting the individual consciousness and shaping out the ego. The feminine aspect balances the over-expansion of the ego by connecting to the heart and primordial unity.
The essential characteristic of the enlightened masculine is its stability and immovability. It flows directly from the nature of consciousness, which is beyond time and all change. This quality, if realized and recognized, makes us whole and complete in ourselves, no longer needing anything from our surroundings. In this state, there is also no special need to strive for anything and achieve any goals. Everything is perfect in itself, just as it is. There is a spontaneous selflessness and a natural call to support others in need, as we see other beings as part of ourselves.
The second quality is enlightened activity. Power flowing from the sky, which is expressed in the energy of lightning penetrating the Earth. The quality associated with one-pointed attention and the development of effective methods. Thanks to its penetrating nature, it has the ability to clear space, unblock energy roads. It brings an impulse that initiates and fertilizes space, activating dormant kundalini energy.
In the lower densities of reality, beings evolve through the struggle of opposites while drawing on the life force of other beings. During this stage of development, dense, physical strength is needed, resistant to hardship and effective in confronting danger. It is no coincidence that these features have been more developed in male bodies. Of course, women can also choose the path of a warrior, developing their inner masculine aspect – focusing of attention and perfecting survival techniques. This does not change the fact that the organic qualities of the masculine element play a fundamental role in our evolution, protecting the feminine essence, creating a safe vessel for its flowering.


The crisis of masculinity and the destruction of the natural gender

During the patriarchal era, the natural masculine aspects were distorted. As a result of constant wars, violence and abuse, human DNA has become internally fragmented and our true nature has been obliterated. An unhealthy, psychopathic masculinity has developed that objectifies and exploits the world around it. It manifests itself in that part of the collective unconscious, that hates itself and everything around it, seeking self-destruction.
Today, on the wave of criticism of distorted masculine energy, we are facing a crisis of everything masculine. Masculinity is associated with violence and abuse.
Sensitive beings who are born in male bodies feel guilty and begin to suppress the primal masculine energy within themselves. This leads to even greater dysfunction and distortion of the psyche. Souls reborn in male bodies cease to identify with the traditional image of a man. They are looking for a change.
An expression of this need is the growing diversity of sexual minorities, where the possibility of artificial gender change, escape from natural sexual orientation, can give a sense of a temporary change for the better and the illusion of inner progress. It also seems, that many beings have been manipulated into embodying a gender that is not their preference, causing internal conflict.
Few people realize that masculinity is under attack. It is presented as a destructive, toxic force, the cause of the world’s problems and all evil, the cause of the attack on women and femininity. However, the rejection of both negative and positive masculine aspects means that along with masculinity, femininity itself is also threatened. In many social circles there is growing negation of natural femininity and the very fact of the division into male and female sex is starting to be questioned. The strive for the rights of sexual minorities is used to destroy the gender identity of the entire society.
Masculinity is associated with action, with the protection of life and femininity.
The first goal of the ruling elite is the destruction of masculinity on Earth, because it is able to oppose the system of control and violence imposed by current governments. Without the masculine aspect, humanity will be defenseless, deprived of access to its life force, and easily controlled.
We can recognize this as part of the transhumanist agenda strategy to remove the foundation of human existence which is sexual energy.
The nanotechnology currently being introduced to human organisms makes it possible to create a cybernetic society that will cease to be guided by the heart and emotions, and the feeling of love and sexual energy will become a forgotten “atavism”.
In the current situation, it is important to have a clear message about how developed, enlightened masculinity differs from its degenerate version formed during patriarchy.
The tradition of the mystical east, based on the practice of meditation, working directly with consciousness, is the most significant prototype of enlightened masculinity on this planet. Both the teachings of Buddhism and the tradition of Shivaism continue uninterruptedly in the lineage from master to disciple. Most men in the world today are immersed in collective sleep and far from practicing meditation. They are not interested in who they really are and what reality is.
So there is a great need to awaken the spiritual masculine element as a force capable of purifying the space of our planet and sowing the seeds of a new cycle.


Matriarchy, patriarchy and the new paradigm

Contemplating the history of the human race, it can be seen that feminine-oriented, matriarchal societies develop based on symbiosis with the environment. Taking care of the plant and animal world around. Development of such society is organic, in a sense of unity with the cosmos, in deep communication with everything that lives.
A society with a masculine profile, is based on technology and separation from nature. It is aimed at developing individuality and expanding the ego. The expansion of the ego generates the mechanism of exploiting other beings for one’s own benefit and competition for resources. It creates constant struggle and all kinds of suffering. It results in the emergence of a hierarchical social structure, steered and controlled by a narrow elite. Separation from the world, as the basis for the existence of the ego, determines the emergence of a civilization based on artificial intelligence. This leads to the cessation of life energy and to evolutionary collapse. Seven thousand years of patriarchy have led to the degradation of our original potential, which flourished under matriarchy. Through the traumas accumulated in the course of constant wars and abuses, human energy structures have undergone a process of internal disintegration. We gradually forgot who we really are.


Only now, space is opening up for the collective healing.
The means to transform immature masculine and feminine aspects is to work with the collective unconscious – our inner shadow and sexual energy. In this work, we can reach for the abundant tradition of matriarchy, the way of sacred sexuality, and the path of tantra, which combines feminine and masculine ways of spiritual development. The spread of shamanic traditions is a great support for our times. Healing consciousness and the heart, the medicine of mystical plants flows directly from the wisdom of Mother Earth.
Understanding the spiritual meaning of feminine and masculine elements opens a multidimensional context for the creation of a new life cycle on Earth.
To create more partnerships between men and women. Bringing harmony between all beings of the visible and invisible world.
Drawing conclusions and drawing wisdom from the times of matriarchy and patriarchy, we can focus on creating a new quality of society, small groups of people, an economically self-sufficient network of communities that mutually exchange excess goods. Communities based on cooperation, not competition.
Where there is a balance between individual freedom and independence, and collective life and action. Developing collectively, but focusing on the authenticity and autonomy of the individual.
The key to our multidimensional development is discovering and manifesting our personal power, purpose, happiness and freedom. A new society free from fear can only be created by free, independent and strong individuals.