
Out of the Matrix

House of Tantra · 11 April 2018

When we open the eyes in the morning, what we see is a virtual reality. Although the movie "Matrix" had a refreshing effect on the state of collective hypnosis, the basic difference between our world and the concept of the film is the fact that our virtual reality is not created outside of us. We are creators of this virtual world....

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into the unknown

House of Tantra · 3 March 2018

What will happen when you open your eyes tomorrow and the world which was a defined, safe piece of home, will cease to exist? You wake up somewhere in space, perceiving sound, movement. You feel the change, the light, the sound and the vibrations of energy penetrating the space....

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Dark side of the Moon

House of Tantra ·28 January 2018

Nothing is really what it seems. Also the moon. The moon has a great effect on the Earth and all beings on the surface and under the water. The whole nature has adapted to the 29-day cycle of the moon, for example the ovulation cycle of humans. Interestingly, this reproductive cycle does not occur in animals life....

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The journey to love and freedom

House of Tantra · 13 January 2018

The journey to love and freedom can be divided in four major stages:. First Union is individual empowerment and cleansing through activation of live energy. Our sexual energy is directly connected to the source. Activation of live energy empowers our body and spirit. ...

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Tantra is not about having a better dream

House of Tantra · 10 January 2018

On the wave of the collective process of awakening, many people want to deepen their intimate relationships with loved ones.  Open to the spiritual dimension of intimacy and experience their sexuality at a more universal level. Hence the arousing interest in various traditions of tantra. However, this is associated with some basic illusion on the level of intent and motivation. Because the purpose of tantra has never been to seek happiness, improve relationships, improve everyday existence, but to awaken to who we really are....

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A guided meditation through your interiors – Genpo Roshi

  Dennis Paul Merzel, also known as Genpo Roshi, is a Zen Priest and teacher in the Soto and Rinzai schools of Zen Buddhism. Since his initial awakening over 45 years ago, his passion and purpose has been to assist others to realize their true nature, and to continuously deepen his own journey to enlightenment. Here we have his Big Mind/Big Heart Process....

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Scientific definition of reality

House of Tantra 5 November 2017

We are coming closer to scientific definition of reality. What was for thousands of years just domain of mystics, now is possible to follow intellectually. What is really amazing, we just experience the time, where science and mystics paths are joining forces in process of collective evolution....

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