sacred union Tag

Manifestation of New Cycle Temple retreat

Tantric Alchemy New Year's Celebration

December 29, 2024 - January 1, 2025

Hosted by: Dechen D.

We want to devote the special time of transition to a new cycle to our connections in the tantric space of the temple. A space for experiencing contact with yourself and others inside the tantric mandala. Traditionally, all aspects of the mandala are invoked first from the level of subtle, high-vibration energies connected to the heart and consciousness, to gradually descend to deeper levels of the body, to connect with the original power contained in the lower chakras....

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Great Mother Temple Healing Arts


I module 20-27 October, 2025, Exloërveen, Belgium

II module 5-12 June, 2026, Luttelgeest, Nederlands

Facilitators: Dechen Dorje & Team

Facilitators: Dechen Dorje & Team

In the sacred sexuality tradition, sexual energy is recognized as an absolute energy that expresses itself through our individual existence. Its manifestation is the mystical fire of the universe, the cosmic force of creation that creates stars and galaxies. The fire that gives life, the fire that awakens our consciousness, which burns and cleanses everything that is old and fossilized. This fiery power brings passion, joy and abundance to our lives. Once activated and awakened in our body, it becomes the universal fuel of our...

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Path of Mystical Sexuality

House of Tantra ·  22 January 2023

”We are living in deep dillusion about nature of so called sexual energy…  Sexuallity is a sacred energy of the universe, the Source of all phenomena and forms. As universal life force it is greatest fountain of individual empowerment. It give us direct connection with absolute....

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Introduction into Four Pillars of Tantra

Weekend workshop for singles & couples

Facilitated by Dechen Dorje

This weekend experimental workshop will initiate you into a unique method of Four Pillars of Tantra, created by House of Tantra. It is a fast track into the essence of Tantra, a path of embodied spirituality and ecstatic self-liberation from matrix illusions. The spontaneous unconditioned joy arises from the inner union of masculine and feminine essence. Both of them take an active and passive form. Four of them, all together and ability to shift easily from one to another, give a real freedom and deep insight into main spiritual searches - who am I? what is the purpose? why? what is a dream...

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Our inner woman and man. How they look like?

House of Tantra · Lesznowola · 24 October 2018

View of tantra or tao describes the world through the polarities of masculine and feminine aspects. Female  - male, yang - ying, two poles that create our universe, through mutual attraction and striving toward union. Everything that exists, every atom, is made up of these two elements.


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Summoning magic realm of our body

House of Tantra ·  10 October 2018

We have turned away from the spirits of earth, fire and water long ago. Our minds have adapted to the post-industrial, digital age. Cutting off the impulses flowing from the wild primal nature. Also cutting off the roots of joy and freedom. The mystical connection to the forest goddesses, elves and lake spirits has disappeared. It seems that all this magical, beautiful world has gone, disappeared in another dimension. 
And we do not remember old times and our night dances in the company of fauns and forest nymphs....

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