Author:House of Tantra

Introduction into Four Pillars of Tantra

Weekend workshop for singles & couples

Facilitated by Dechen Dorje

This weekend experimental workshop will initiate you into a unique method of Four Pillars of Tantra, created by House of Tantra. It is a fast track into the essence of Tantra, a path of embodied spirituality and ecstatic self-liberation from matrix illusions. The spontaneous unconditioned joy arises from the inner union of masculine and feminine essence. Both of them take an active and passive form. Four of them, all together and ability to shift easily from one to another, give a real freedom and deep insight into main spiritual searches - who am I? what is the purpose? why? what is a dream...

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Our inner woman and man. How they look like?

House of Tantra · Lesznowola · 24 October 2018

View of tantra or tao describes the world through the polarities of masculine and feminine aspects. Female  - male, yang - ying, two poles that create our universe, through mutual attraction and striving toward union. Everything that exists, every atom, is made up of these two elements.


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Suppression keeps us in darkness

House of Tantra ·  17 October 2018

The society that we co-create is still based on primitive ownership relations carried out by semi-official or hidden power solutions. The patriarchal social structure was always maintained by dividing, creating conflicts and wars....

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Summoning magic realm of our body

House of Tantra ·  10 October 2018

We have turned away from the spirits of earth, fire and water long ago. Our minds have adapted to the post-industrial, digital age. Cutting off the impulses flowing from the wild primal nature. Also cutting off the roots of joy and freedom. The mystical connection to the forest goddesses, elves and lake spirits has disappeared. It seems that all this magical, beautiful world has gone, disappeared in another dimension. 
And we do not remember old times and our night dances in the company of fauns and forest nymphs....

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 House of Tantra ·  13 August 2018

Many of us live in the inside of a self-winding whirl of everyday activity, having a feeling of being overwhelmed, lacking time and space for ourselves and our loved ones. Every moment, we are bombarded with millions of stimuli, information is coming from all directions. ...

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Kundalini Fire Snake Dance

Advanced tantric temple massage course

Facilitated by Dechen Dorje

This retreat introduce you into next level of advanced Temple Arts practises. The rituals will be held in pairs and groups of three, deepening initiation of masculine and feminine aspects. All people are invited who are already familiar with tantric massage (singles or couples) to the advanced Tantric Temple Massage workshop. This course is dedicated to activate a vital energy of evolution, in East called Kundalini. Whole process of this work aim to heal past wounds and traumas stored in the cells of our bodies. In ancient matriarchy times, temples run by women flourished. Temple priestesses used sexual energy to heal,...

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Out of the Matrix

House of Tantra · 11 April 2018

When we open the eyes in the morning, what we see is a virtual reality. Although the movie "Matrix" had a refreshing effect on the state of collective hypnosis, the basic difference between our world and the concept of the film is the fact that our virtual reality is not created outside of us. We are creators of this virtual world....

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into the unknown

House of Tantra · 3 March 2018

What will happen when you open your eyes tomorrow and the world which was a defined, safe piece of home, will cease to exist? You wake up somewhere in space, perceiving sound, movement. You feel the change, the light, the sound and the vibrations of energy penetrating the space....

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Dark side of the Moon

House of Tantra ·28 January 2018

Nothing is really what it seems. Also the moon. The moon has a great effect on the Earth and all beings on the surface and under the water. The whole nature has adapted to the 29-day cycle of the moon, for example the ovulation cycle of humans. Interestingly, this reproductive cycle does not occur in animals life....

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