tantra Tag



Mystic School of Interdimensional Sexuality Level II

29 March - 5 April 2025, Poland

Facilitation: Dechen Dorje with the Team

We live in a time of great change and awakening of consciousness on a mass scale. We recognize the scale of wounds and traumas accumulated over the past millennia by all humanity and how this affects individuals. ...

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Tantric Temple Ritual ”Summoning the Dragon”

Advanced Tantric Temple Massage Course

Facilitated by Dechen Dorje

We invite people who are already familiar with tantric massage to the tantric temple massage workshop. The intention of this massage ritual is awakening of internal non-dual power connected with the heart. Another is the transformation of the negative experiences recorded in the cells of our body and their renewal through internal alchemy. ...

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Dom Tantry ·  4 grudnia 2018

Jesteśmy świadkami odradzania się kobiecej mocy. Wielka Bogini stopniowo powraca na Ziemię. Kobiety przejmują inicjatywę we wszystkich dziedzinach życia, często przejmując role do tej pory zarezerwowane dla mężczyzn. Kobiety potrafią się lepiej zorganizować i współpracować razem....

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Introduction into Four Pillars of Tantra

Weekend workshop for singles & couples

Facilitated by Dechen Dorje

This weekend experimental workshop will initiate you into a unique method of Four Pillars of Tantra, created by House of Tantra. It is a fast track into the essence of Tantra, a path of embodied spirituality and ecstatic self-liberation from matrix illusions. The spontaneous unconditioned joy arises from the inner union of masculine and feminine essence. Both of them take an active and passive form. Four of them, all together and ability to shift easily from one to another, give a real freedom and deep insight into main spiritual searches - who am I? what is the purpose? why? what is a dream...

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